10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises to Try Today
Being mindful can be hard. It's a skill, and like any other skill, it takes practice. But there are some easy ways to get started with mindfulness exercises that you can do every day. Here are ten simple things you can do to help yourself become more aware of your thoughts and body during your day-to-day life:
Count your breaths.
Count your breaths.
Focus on the sensation of breathing, and try to count each breath until you reach 10, then start over again. If this is too difficult at first, try counting each exhale instead of both inhales and exhales! You can also use a timer if it helps keep track of how long you have been doing this exercise (just make sure you don't get distracted by looking at the clock).
Smile and relax your muscles.
Relax the muscles in your face and body.
Focus on your breath and body, taking a few deep breaths as you do so.
Focus on the feeling of relaxation as it spreads through your body, starting from head to toe.
Focus on a color, object or sensation.
Focus on something you can see, hear or feel.
Focus on the sensation of your breath.
Focus on a color or object in front of you (it could be a flower, a painting or even just an orange).
Focus on the feeling of your feet on the ground.
Take a walk outside.
Take a walk outside.
Walking is one of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness, and it's a great way to get your blood flowing after sitting at your desk all day. If you can walk in nature or with friends, even better! Take some time each day to go for a stroll around the block or through your neighborhood park--even if it's just for 10 minutes at lunchtime. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after just 15 minutes outside in fresh air and sunshine (or rain).
Listen to music or the rain.
Listen to music or the rain.
You can listen to nature sounds, a podcast, book on tape or meditation app.
When you're listening to these things, focus on what you hear and try not to think about anything else.
Think about something you're grateful for.
This exercise is best done in a quiet place, where you can focus on your thoughts. It can also be helpful to have a journal nearby so that you can write down what comes up for you during the exercise.
You might choose something simple like "I'm grateful for this chair," or more complex like "I'm grateful for my family and friends." Or maybe there's something bigger: "I'm grateful for the fact that I am alive."
When we think about what we're grateful for, we shift our attention away from negative feelings and toward positive ones--and when we focus on gratitude, it helps us feel better both physically and emotionally!
Work on your posture and breathing in public spaces like an elevator or bank line.
For example, when you're in a long line at the bank or waiting for an elevator, focus on your breathing. Don't rush through the task at hand and don't look at your phone. Instead of thinking about what you have to do next or problems from work, focus on how it feels to breathe in and out slowly.
Practice mindfulness when eating with friends, family or co-workers at lunchtime or dinner.
Practice mindfulness when eating with friends, family or co-workers at lunchtime or dinner.
Don't eat when you're stressed. If you find yourself reaching for food as a way to cope with stress, try to avoid eating at those times. Instead, take a few moments to breathe deeply and focus on your breath before taking a bite of food.
Eat slowly so that you can savor each taste as it enters your mouth and becomes part of your body's experience of being alive at this moment in time--not just shoveling it down while watching TV or checking email on your phone! If possible, sit down at a table rather than standing over the kitchen sink; this makes it easier to focus on how food feels going into one's mouth without worrying about spills or splatters across one's shirtfront! Try not eating alone either; having someone else around who cares about what happens next helps keep things in perspective since they'll likely notice if something goes wrong with their meal before we do (and help us fix any problems).
Place your phone in a lockbox
Put your phone in a lockbox.
Use a timer to limit the time you spend on your phone. For example, set it for 30 minutes and then take a break when the alarm goes off or set it up so that you have to enter a pin code before using any app on your phone. You could also try turning off notifications altogether for certain apps (like email), which will remind you that there are other things happening around you than just what's going on in those little screens!
Set reminders throughout the day asking yourself if whatever task at hand can wait until later or if it really needs immediate attention from someone else (this might be tricky at first but will get easier once we've trained ourselves). Also make sure not to check social media until after work hours--or better yet, turn off notifications altogether! (I recommend doing this!) If possible, turn off all electronics before bedtime so they don't interfere with getting enough sleep; otherwise create "no-phone zones" where cell phones aren't allowed during certain parts of each day such as meal times or family time together."
Using a breathing buddha
A breathing buddha is a tool for mindfulness, and it's also great for relaxing. You can use a breathing buddha as part of your meditation practice or even when you're just feeling stressed out. Here's how to use it:
Choose a quiet place to practice: Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath. This can be at home, at work, or anywhere else where you feel comfortable.
Set the timer: Set the timer on the Breathing Buddha for the length of time you want to practice. The timer can be set for up to 3 hours, and the Breathing Buddha will automatically shut off after this time.
Choose your breathing cycle: Choose the breathing cycle you want to follow. The Breathing Buddha uses the popular 4-7-8 breathing cycle, which involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.
Follow the Buddha's guidance: As you inhale, the green Buddha on the top of the Breathing Buddha's head will light up. As you hold your breath, the purple Buddha will light up, and as you exhale, the blue Buddha will light up. You can also choose to practice without the lights if you prefer.
Repeat for the desired amount of time: Repeat the breathing cycle for the desired amount of time. The Breathing Buddha is designed to be used for 10 minutes a day, although you can use it for longer periods if you wish.
The Mindsight 'Breathing Buddha' is a simple yet effective tool for practicing mindfulness and slowing down your breathing. By following the Breathing Buddha's guidance, you can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, and cultivate a greater sense of wellbeing.
You can find ways to be more mindful during every part of your day.
One of the best things about mindfulness is that it can be practiced in many different ways. You don't need to spend hours at a time meditating, and you can practice being mindful during any part of your day.
Being mindful doesn't mean that you have to stop what you're doing and sit still for 20 minutes (unless that's what works for you). It could mean taking a few deep breaths before speaking or pausing before answering an email so that your response comes from a place of calmness instead of stress. It may also involve noticing how much better something tastes when eaten slowly rather than quickly--or even just paying attention to how nice it feels when someone smiles at you!
We hope these exercises will help you to become more mindful in your everyday life. Remember, it's not about doing everything perfectly or even at all. The point is just to try something new and make the most of the moment by paying attention to what's happening around you.