How to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine

How to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine


Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to your thoughts and experiences in the present moment. When we're mindful, we're not caught up in our own stories about the past or future—we're simply aware of what's happening right now. Mindfulness offers many benefits: it can lower stress levels, decrease anxiety and depression symptoms, improve sleep quality, and much more. But practicing mindfulness doesn't mean sitting on top of a mountain for hours at a time; it just means being more aware throughout your day-to-day life. That's why I'm here today—to give you some simple tips for incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine!

Wake up slowly.

Wake up slowly.

When you're tired, it's easy to jump out of bed and start rushing around. But if you wake up slowly and take a few minutes to stretch and breathe, your body will respond by feeling more refreshed. Try setting an alarm for 30 minutes before you actually want to get up (this gives you enough time for a full night's sleep). Then when the alarm goes off, just turn off the noise and lay there in bed as long as possible; use that time to focus on your breathing or listen to calming music or nature sounds. When you do finally get out of bed, try not to set yourself up for failure by having too much planned right after waking up—it will only make it harder on yourself!

Use simple breathing exercises.

It's a simple activity, but it can have a powerful effect on your emotions and well-being. Try doing five to 10 minutes of breathing exercises every day to help you feel less stressed, more focused and calmer.

You may want to start by taking some time out of your day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. You can do this in any position—sitting cross-legged or standing up straight—and in any place: at home or at work, outdoors or indoors. If you're nervous about being seen by others as you sit still for several minutes with an open posture (and who wouldn't be?), then try practicing these techniques while walking around instead of sitting still; it will give you the same benefits without attracting attention from coworkers or passersby!

Observe your senses

As you go about your day, try to observe what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. It can be difficult at first because we are so used to rushing around doing things that we don't take the time to notice our senses. But if you make an effort to do this throughout your day it will help you become more mindful in general. This can help with reducing stress and anxiety because it gives us an opportunity for some downtime from all the busyness of life.

In addition to simply observing what's going on around us, this exercise also gives us insight into our thoughts and feelings at any given moment - particularly when we're stressed out or in a bad mood! This can be really useful information when trying to figure out why we're experiencing certain emotions or feeling overwhelmed by them


We at the Mindfulness Academy are big fans of stretching. Whether you're waking up or unwinding, it's a great way to start or end your day. Here are some reasons why:

  • Stretching helps wake you up and feel energized. You may be groggy when you first wake up, but stretching can help get your blood flowing and get rid of those sluggish feelings.

  • Stretching relieves stress and tension throughout your body, which can help reduce pain in areas like your shoulders or back if they're sore from sitting at a desk all day long!

  • Stretching improves posture by elongating muscles that could otherwise tighten up over time due to sitting too much at work - this can lead to chronic pain issues down the road if left untreated so make sure there's enough room between seats on public transportation so everyone gets enough space between them when sitting together! It also helps improve muscle tone so no need for supplements here either :)

Stop multitasking.

One of the most common myths about productivity is that multitasking is a way to get more things done in less time. The truth is that multitasking actually makes you less efficient and can be stressful to your body, so it's not worth trying. Instead, try focusing on one task at a time.

If you feel like you need to multi-task because otherwise you'll forget what steps are next in your workflow, try using a checklist app or sticky notes instead of trying to remember every step by heart. This way you can still get everything done without stressing yourself out or forgetting important details along the way!

Do one thing at a time.

The first step is to take a look at your daily routine. What are some of the activities that you do on a regular basis? How can you change them so that you're doing one thing at a time and taking the time to focus on it?

Here are some examples:

  • Instead of surfing the web while watching TV, try focusing solely on one or the other. Notice how long it takes for your attention span to wander off from what you're doing.

  • When stuck in traffic, take this as an opportunity to listen to an audiobook or podcast on something that interests you—and put away your phone! You'll be able to enjoy more of your surroundings without distraction.

Practice kindness toward yourself and others.

  • Practice kindness toward yourself and others.

  • Give yourself a break. If you can't get enough sleep, take a nap when it's available.

  • Be kind to someone else. Send a friend an email or text message saying, "I'm thinking of you."

Take a few minutes to reflect before making a decision.

Sometimes, we make decisions without thinking about what the consequences will be. For example, you might want to buy something and impulsively purchase it on your credit card. Or you may make a decision that affects other people in your life. In these cases, it's important to think about why you're making the decision and whether or not it's right for everyone involved.

If there are possible outcomes or consequences that don't fit with your values, then take some time to consider them before deciding what to do next. Could there be other ways of looking at this situation? How would someone else who knows more than I do see this situation? What would they advise me against doing?

Once you've thought through all of these questions thoroughly enough that they feel like second nature whenever making decisions (or anytime at all!), continue practicing mindfulness as often as possible throughout each day!

Eat mindfully and with gratitude.

Eating is one of the most basic and necessary human functions. But when you eat mindfully, it can become a source of joy and gratitude. Mindful eating is not about depriving yourself or feeling guilty about food; rather, it's about taking time to appreciate your food and its preparation. Take a few moments before each meal to prepare your plate or at least plan out what you're going to eat during that sitting (this will help prevent overeating). Then, take some time during each bite:

Dismiss all thoughts about other things in order to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of what you're eating. As you chew each bite slowly and deliberately, pay attention to how it feels in your mouth as well as how it tastes—especially if it's something new!

If you aren't hungry when you sit down at the table but know that hunger may strike later on during the mealtime, don't start eating just because everyone else has started theirs. Instead wait until your body tells you it needs nourishment by making itself aware through hunger pangs or growling noises coming from deep within—and then only eat when those sensations arise!

Reflect on how you're feeling throughout the day

When you're feeling stressed, tired or happy, take a moment to reflect on how you feel. You can do this by asking yourself questions like:

  • "Am I in a good mood? What makes me happy?"

  • "Am I comfortable?"

  • "How can I make myself more comfortable?"

Take care of yourself.

The most important thing is to take care of yourself, so make sure you get enough sleep and eat well.

You can also practice mindfulness in your daily routine by appreciating the little things. If you have a favorite cup at home, use it when drinking coffee or tea; if there's a certain piece of music that helps put you in the right mood for studying or working, play that song; if there's a place where sunlight makes everything seem brighter and happier (like on your way to work), try taking some time every day to appreciate how beautiful it is outside.

Another way to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine is by being kind and compassionate towards others. Instead of judging people around you when they aren't acting as they should be (e.g., someone cutting in line), give them some space by letting go of any negative thoughts about them—if this isn't possible then try changing lanes so that person doesn't feel bad when they catch up with you later on!

It's possible to practice mindfulness every day, even when you don't have much free time.

It’s possible to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, even if you don’t have a lot of free time. The key is starting small. You can try meditating for just 5 minutes a day, or doing it while sitting on the bus or subway, eating dinner or folding laundry.

It doesn’t matter how long you practice; what matters is that you do it regularly and consistently over time.


The goal of mindfulness is not to eliminate every distraction and problem that arises in our lives, but rather to let go of negative thoughts so that we can be present with what's happening in the moment. We hope these tips have helped you find some ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. If you're still looking for more ideas on how to practice mindfulness or meditation, check out our other blog posts on those topics! We've covered everything from how practice meditation at work (and why it's good for your health)

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