The Science of Positive Thinking: How It Can Change Your Brain
A quick Google search for "positive thinking" yields over half a million hits. But what is the science behind positive thinking? Could it really change our brains? And what should you do if you just can't seem to get your mind in the right place? In today's blog post, we'll explore the science of positive thinking and how it can change your brain.
When we become mindful, we can re-route our brain from its natural tendency to focus on the negative.
But what if we could re-route our brains from their natural tendency to focus on the negative?
Our brains are wired to focus on threats and dangers. When we're mindful, we can override this built-in bias and direct our attention toward positive thoughts instead.
Here's how it works: Our brains are designed to focus on things that are important for survival--things like threats, dangers, or problems in need of solving (e.g., "I need more food"). This is called the negativity bias because humans have evolved over time through natural selection; those who were able to identify threats in their environment were more likely than others to survive long enough for their genes to pass down through future generations (and thus continue living).
Taking deep breaths can be calming when you feel stressed.
Breathing is the first step to calming down when you're stressed out, and it's a skill that you can practice anywhere.
If you're feeling anxious or stressed, take a few deep breaths while focusing on your breath going in and out of your nose. If that feels too hard, try counting each time you inhale (1-2-3...) until the feelings of distress pass. This controlled breathing technique has been shown to increase blood flow to the brain and decrease heart rate; both are signs of relaxation!
Locking your thoughts away from the world makes them less accessible and thus more useful for self-reflection.
The ability to focus on the present moment is an essential skill for happiness and success. In order for your thoughts to be useful for self-reflection, they must be locked away from the world. You can't think about everything at once--you need to focus on one thing at a time. For example, you cannot simultaneously think about the past and the future while trying to solve a math problem or read a book; similarly, if you are talking with someone and listening closely enough so that your mind doesn't wander off onto other topics (such as what food item should be ordered next), then this will require intense concentration on what is being said right now in this very moment by this particular person who has certain qualities that make them unique compared with anyone else in existence right now...and so forth until infinity!
The key here seems simple enough: just lock away all those distracting thoughts by focusing entirely upon one single thing at any given moment; however there are several ways we can do this without effortless ease (or even intentional effort).
A scientific approach to positive thinking can help you calm down and clear your mind, even when things aren't going the way you want them to.
You may be thinking, "I'm not going to get anything done if I'm constantly thinking about how awesome everything is." But that's not the point. The goal with this kind of positive thinking isn't necessarily to make you feel good--it's actually more about changing your brain so that it can handle negative situations better in the future.
A scientific approach to positive thinking can help you calm down and clear your mind, even when things aren't going the way you want them to. For example:
Mindfulness meditation will help you focus on what matters most instead of getting caught up in all the other stuff going on around you (like emails or phone calls).
Breathing exercises will calm down an anxious mind by re-focusing attention on something simple like breathing itself. If someone asks me how my day was while I'm taking deep breaths through my nose and out through my mouth, chances are good that they won't get much of a response from me! It would be impossible for me not only because it requires too much effort but also because there just isn't enough oxygen flowing through my brain at any given moment during those exercises."
So, there you have it. The science of positive thinking! We hope this article has given you a glimpse into how the mind works and why it's so important to be mindful of our thoughts. If you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by negative emotions, try some of these techniques in order to get back on track with your life goals.