15 ways to connect with your child in 5 minutes or less

15 ways to connect with your child in 5 minutes or less

15 ways to connect with your child in 5 minutes or less

Ask any parent how things are going and you’re likely to hear some version of “we are staying busy.”

Whether you think busyness is a disease resulting in families being over-stressed and not spending enough time together or you see the productivity as a good thing that is benefiting your brain, few will dispute that we are, in fact, a busy people. The good news is that it appears that quality time with our kids trumps quantity.

While I’ll always advocate for slowing down and savoring those precious miracle moments with our loved ones, I understand that some days are just so packed that there are only a few spare minutes with which to connect with our kids.

For those days, here are 15 ways to connect in just five minutes or less.

1. Gather your child in your lap and read a short story

Of course, this is much easier to do with little kids who still fit on your lap, but if your child is older, sit beside him and read a chapter of Percy Jackson out loud. By making this a daily ritual, you’ll spark a love for reading and spend some quality time together every single day.

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